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Ryan Spear

Randall Spear

(252) 796-7055 Office

(252)796-7306 Cell

Diver Pile Encapsulation

Pile Encapsulation

Pile Encapsulation

Pile replacement is both costly and inconvenient. Today's technology has evolved so that there is a better way. No replacement, no down time, and no loss of facility usage. The identified pile is then installed with an FRP Jacket and filled with 8500 psi two part epoxy grout and your finished product is a one and done deal which is also esthetically pleasing and has the structural capabilities as if it had just been installed new. To go one step further for badly damaged piles welded rebar cages are installed between the damaged pile and outer FRP jacket to increase structural integrity. All materials are environmentally friendly, and this process is used now worldwide by corporations, municipalities, State and Federal governments.